Legal References
Director of Publication
Mr. Patrick Yaicle, as General manager of CHAUVIN ARNOUX, a Joint Stock Limited Company with a capital of 11.000.000€ and having its head office at 190 rue Championnet, 75876 à PARIS CEDEX 18, registered in the Companies and Trade register of PARIS under the nr. B 572 075 836.
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The Newsgroup is an area for discussion linking people who wish to share ideas, advice, or viewpoints on themes regarding our activities.
It is reserved to a category of people selected by our services, after identification. The data within could be collected and used for other means.
Prior to diffusion, a regulator will delete any contributions not relating to the theme.
You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data concerning you (art. 34 of the “Data Processing and Individual Liberties” law of January 6 1978). At any moment, you can request that your contributions to this space be deleted.
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