How to monitor and control your processes thanks to Raman Spectroscopy ?20220329140023

How to monitor and control your processes thanks to Raman Spectroscopy ?

Unique on the market, VISERION provides 4 simultaneous measurements by means of 4 probes and 4 lasers....
Indatech – Chauvin Arnoux Group joins the French Fab20220321144415

Indatech – Chauvin Arnoux Group joins the French Fab

Indatech - Chauvin Arnoux Group joins the French Fab as an industrial company to highlight French know-how on the international scene....
How can the SAM-Spec solution analyze a whole tablet?20161023115328

How can the SAM-Spec solution analyze a whole tablet?

SAM-Spec measures up to 12 spectra simultaneously to provide an accurate chemical representation of the tablet's concentration......